The xx – Coexist

Other, Packaging, Photography

Heavy-weight vinyl for The xx’s new album Coexist is just gorgeous!!! The booklet cover reveals the image under ‘The X’ which is die cut from the vinyl sleeve. And you get a cd. All vinyls should come with a CD copy as standard to be honest. But anyway.  This is so worth £21 on amazon. Get it here (if it’s still in stock). This is a beautiful package which has made me fall in love with the album 10 times more. Images below:

Been thinking how different vinyl is for todays generation too; it’s more of an exclusive thing to have now (even if it is not limited edition). You can have different colours of vinyl made and the artwork/cover is much bigger, in turn you then begin to appreciate the design a lot more.

Ed Sheeran mentioning Pirating music was ok is also quite an interesting topic in relation to this. More info here on the BBC website.

Calling all wallets.

Ad's, Other

Saw this ad a few months ago:


Few reasons why I love it; the music is different and catchy (check it out on Spotify here; although the ad version is slightly different but better…) and it’s very Apple-esque! The ad feels quite casual but I like it. Just a lot like Apple. I think in time the whole ‘revolutionary products’ thing is going to get tired. But we shall see…


Seen ‘The new iPad’ yet too? Great product but it’s one of those things you don’t need. Think of all the other things you could buy with £400!  Hey ho!


Saw this last week too. Great catchphrase to randomly say to someone one day.

‘Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’

Naïve: Modernism and Folklore in Contemporary Graphic Design


This has to be one of the best books I have EVER purchased!! I love the content so much! The name does sum up some of the work though, but in a very good way; and I feel that my work is also quite naive so perhaps this is why I love it so much!! Lots of screen-printed textures, overprints, illustrations, lots of colour, handmade textures, posters and fun graphic design elements are featured in this book. Get it here.

Daily Express panicing as usual…


This is exactly why I do not buy this paper. Below are some front page ‘headlines’ from this week’s Daily Express newspapers. Really? Headlines? I know I usually post about design and other creative stuff on here but I felt like I needed to post something about it. I’m sure it will get really cold but they are just taking it to the extreme. There is too much panic in the world as it already is. Anyway. Rant over 🙂

By the way my parents get the Express not me. I’ll stick to my i Paper thanks.