The xx – Coexist

Other, Packaging, Photography

Heavy-weight vinyl for The xx’s new album Coexist is just gorgeous!!! The booklet cover reveals the image under ‘The X’ which is die cut from the vinyl sleeve. And you get a cd. All vinyls should come with a CD copy as standard to be honest. But anyway.  This is so worth £21 on amazon. Get it here (if it’s still in stock). This is a beautiful package which has made me fall in love with the album 10 times more. Images below:

Been thinking how different vinyl is for todays generation too; it’s more of an exclusive thing to have now (even if it is not limited edition). You can have different colours of vinyl made and the artwork/cover is much bigger, in turn you then begin to appreciate the design a lot more.

Ed Sheeran mentioning Pirating music was ok is also quite an interesting topic in relation to this. More info here on the BBC website.

ABSOLUT WATKINS – Traveler’s Exclusive

Designers Graphic Work, Packaging

My sister brought this back from Greece today! Here’s a limited edition bottle from Swedish vodka maker Absolut. This flavour features spiced coffee and almond flavours with a bit of chilli; and it doesn’t taste bad if you love coffee! It’s about €21 and can only be bought in duty free stores @ airports. The design is by Liselotte Watkins (hence the name) and more of her work can be found here. More info on the bottle here.